About Me

I am Abm Adnan Azmee
A PhD Candidate at Kennesaw State University, Computer Science department. My primary research interest lies in machine learning, natural language processing, and its diverse applications. I have a background as a full-stack developer, with industry experience in various software technologies such as Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS and more.
As a tech enthusiast, I always try to keep myself up to date with the latest trends in the world of technology. I love traveling. Besides, I enjoy my free time reading books, watching documentaries or learning something new.
Tech Stack
Work Experience
August 2022 - Present
Graduate Research Assistant
Kennesaw State University
• Conduct literature review and data analysis for deep learning and natural language processing projects. • Develop and implement deep learning and natural language processing models and algorithms. • Evaluate and optimize the performance and accuracy of the models and algorithms. • Write, present and review research papers and reports on the findings and results. • Collaborate with other researchers, faculty and students on related research topics. • Mentor undergraduate students on machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing concepts and techniques.
February 2021 - July 2022
Software Engineer
Bengal Mobile QA Solution
• Develop web applications using Angular, NestJS, ExpressJS, CassandraDB etc. • Involved in the analysis of business requirements and planning. • Assisting the senior developers with designs, developments and deployments.
September 2020 - January 2021
Trainee Software Engineer
ERA Infotech
• Developed multiple web applications for client and in-house use using Angular, React, Python,TypeScript, ExpressJS, MongoDB etc. • Upgraded aging code base with new source code.
July 2020 - August 2020
Machine Learning Intern
• Performed Data clustering, Data Analysis and understood pattern of data. • Trained machine learning models. • Collected data and prepared datasets.
September 2019 - December 2019
Teaching Assistant (TA)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BRAC University
• Provided students with out of class assistance and one-on-one tutoring. • Responsible for grading assignments and monitor lab tasks.
June 2018 - June 2019
Assistant Director
BRAC University Computer Club (BUCC), BRAC University
• Organized and managed several workshops and seminars.
Educational Qualifications
2022 - Present
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science
Kennesaw State University
2016 - 2019
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
BRAC University
• Grade : High Distinction • Awarded Dean's List and VC's List for outstanding result.
Higher Secondary Certificate
Dhaka Residential Model College
• Grade : 5.00 / 5.00 • Group : Science (English Version)
Secondary School Certificate
Dhaka Residential Model College
• Grade : 5.00 / 5.00 • Group : Science (English Version)